Well, I guess I have a whiteboard to write on now, sooo…

Anchor T Lund
3 min readFeb 12, 2020

. . . obviously, I’ve achieved my very last goal, and can settle down to a peaceful life, awaiting my eternal death . . .

. . . yeah, okay. So sarcasm aside, for those who don’t follow me on twitter, and sift through my excessive amounts of retweets of pointless other-things I’m into, following my last blog, I decided to make a harder push to get what I want — a whiteboard!

And look at what I’ve got now!


And . . . yeah, it’s cool, and it’s doing what it’s supposed to do, and that’s about that.

After me having written such a strongly worded blog, describing how heavily I desired a whiteboard, and all the things I would LIKE to do with one, you’d reckon that my newfound ownership might be akin to a fat boy in a candy shop. And in some regards, it is!

I was exuberant when I opened my package and saw this beauty! (It actually is a beautiful whiteboard, and I absolutely LOVE the wooden frame to it). And after spending hours of drafting out all the different ways I COULD present my goals, lists, inspirational quotes, etc, and then settling on this layout, I was hopeful and ready to conquer my goals.

But despite the simile of “a fat boy in a candy shop” (which, by the way, I reckon I have the right to use without anyone taking offense, since my BMI labels me as obese, supposedly), reality sets in quick. The fat boy has eaten his 5-gallon tub’s worth of peanut butter cups, and now, he is in a sugar coma. It’s a bit of hyperbole, but when he finally awakes after a week of being in bed, he realizes that nothing good really came of eating all those peanut butter cups —and on top of that, he’s hungry again.

Now, I’m not saying this whiteboard makes me feel like bad, or that I’ve got buyer’s regret.

NO NO NO NO NO . . .

It’s just, despite all the hype I gave it, the whiteboard is just a whiteboard — a tool for me to physically represent some of the thoughts in my head for me to look at later.

Having the whiteboard wasn’t going to suddenly cure any of my anxieties or major stressors in life. I knew that, even as I hyped it up.

“But Anchor? What’s next then? What are you doing? What are you going to work on/toward or get?”

Well, obviously I’ve got a whiteboard to tell me that, so . . . just scroll up? Because the whiteboard LITERALLY says what I want to do next right now.

I’ve got no philosophical ending or shinanigans for this piece. No poetry or anything, but I’ve got some music I can share for anyone who’s interested!

Here’s an animation I really like with some pretty music:

The whole style of this animation is fun, plus it’s kind of (emphasis on kind of) a meme format. You can find others like it if you type in “I need peace and tranquility” or “there’s no one around to help” into youtube.

And for another song y’all might like:

And that’s all for me folks. Catch you in the next blog, where I’ll probably have some more thoughtful thoughts.



Anchor T Lund

A Self-Driven Storyteller, Writer, and Artist, with a dream to one day write stories in the game industry.